Grafana with Postgre
Sensor data visualisation with Grafana and PostGis running in Docker.
I create two containers, one for Grafana and second for database.
docker run -d --network=host --name=grafana
-e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=grafana-worldmap-panel,grafana-simple-json-datasource,
linksmart-sensorthings-datasource" grafana/grafana
- URL: http://localhost:3000/login
- username : admin
- password : admin
Grafana uses OpenStreetMap
PostGIS Database
sudo docker run --name postgis -p 25432:5432
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d -t mdillon/postgis
- username: postgres
- password: postgres
- grafana host: localhost:25432
- grafana database: postgres
I run two scripts:
- create tables: db_ddl.sql
- fill database: db_dml.sql
Grafana panels
Worldmap Panel
- location can be represent with longitude and latitude or with geohash.
with longitude and latitude
select time, value, latitude, longitude from "TableName" where $__timeFilter("time")
with geohash:
select time, value, geohas from "TableName" where $__timeFilter("time")
It is important to know that fields need to be named as those in this example, otherwise you have to assign alias:
select timestamp as time, valueField as value, st_x(location) as latitude, st_y(location) as longitude from "TableName" where $__timeFilter("timestamp")
SQL example:
select timestamp as time, value as "name" from "tableName" where $__timeFilter("timestamp")
in this case alias for value is used to name value that is displayed